2014年3月12日 星期三


油浸蒜蓉 Minced Garlic in Olive Oil 

出自:Maggy's Kitchen

材料 Ingredients:

蒜頭 Garlic
Olive Oil  
做法 How to Make:
蒜頭去皮, 刴碎, 放入抹乾了的玻璃容器內, 注入油蓋過蒜蓉, 放罝雪櫃。
Peel and mince the garlic, put it into a dry glass container, pour in oil to cover the minced garlic. Place it in the fridge.
小小心得 Cooking Notes:
Points to keep the minced garlic from getting moldy
* 容器要先抹乾水, 且要密封, 盡量不要有多餘水份 
   A tight and dry glass container without excess water is  suggested
 *每次用乾淨的湯匙取出, 切勿混合水或其他汁料 
   Use a dry and clean spoon when using every time, do not mix with water
   Oil must cover the garlic


