2014年3月12日 星期三


臘腸冬菇炒糯米飯Fried Glutinous Rice with Chinese Sausage 

出自:Maggy's Kitchen 


糯米  Glutinous Rice         160g (1cup)
臘腸  Chinese Sausage    1pc
蝦米  Dried Shrimps          5g
冬菇 Shiitake Mushroom  2-3pcs
Egg                              1pc
碎花生 Chopped Peanuts       1湯匙, tbsp
蔥花 Chopped Spring Onion   2湯匙, tbsp

蛋調味 Seasoning for egg:
Sugar     少許Dash
Salt        少許Dash
Water    2茶匙,tsp

糯米飯調味Seasoning for Glutinous Rice:
雞粉 Chicken Powder        1/2茶匙, tsp
Sugar                            1/2茶匙, tsp
美極 Maggi                        1茶匙, tsp
生抽 Soy Sauce                1茶匙, tsp
Water                            3茶匙, tsp
麻油 Sesame oil               少許Dash
老抽 Dark Soy Sauce       少許Dash
胡椒粉 White Pepper        少許Dash

做法How to Make:
1. 糯米浸水5小時, 隔乾水分, 將米放上白洋布, 隔水蒸40分鐘, 10分鐘在米面用手灑少許水
Soak the rice for 5 hours, drain. Put a muslin cloth on the steamer, place the rice evenly on the cloth and steam for 40mins. Sprinkle water onto the rice every 10mins to avoid rice become too dry.

    2. 冬菇浸軟, 去蒂洗淨。連用臘腸於糯米蒸好10分鐘前放上飯面蒸。取出, 切幼粒。      Soak the shiitake mushroom until softened. Remove the hard end and rinse. In the last 10 mins, put the Chinese sausage and shiitake mushroom onto rice and steam it. Take out and dice.

    3. 雞蛋加入蛋調味打勻, 煎成蛋餅後切幼絲備用
     Beaten and season the egg. Heat up a pan, add some oil, add the egg, pan fry it until both sides turn golden. Cut it into thin strips.
蝦米浸水15分鐘 (如太大可切粒), 和臘腸粒, 冬菇粒下鑊用慢火爆香, 盛起。    Soak the dried shrimps for 15 mins (may chop it if too large in size) and drain. Then, sauté with sausage and shiitake mushroom until fragrant and sausage’s fat is released. Remove from the pan and set aside.

   5.  將蒸好的糯米用中小火邊炒, 邊逐少加入調味, 至飯粒均勻上色, 加入蝦米、冬菇、臘腸和蔥花炒勻, 上碟, 放上蛋絲和花生碎即可
      Pour the steamed glutinous rice to the pan, stir-frying occasionally with low-medium heat till the rice separated, not clumped together. Adding the seasoning gradually until it is absorbed evenly, add the dried shrimp, mushroom, sausage and spring onion, stir fry to combine well. Dish up. Garnish with egg strips and chopped peanuts.

